CS131 - Combinatoric Structures

Website for BU's CS 131 in Spring 2017.

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Information for Midterm 1: 2/16/2017

Last updated: Sunday 2/12 at 10.25pm.


The midterm will take place in class, from 3.30pm to 4.45pm.
- You will have space to solve the exercises on the exam booklet, so no extra paper is needed.
- No cheatsheets or index cards allowed.
- Please write in pen, not pencil.
- Please make a note of your CS131 ID number, the one you use for homework. You will have to use the same number to identify your midterm.

Special accomodations

If you are entitled to a special accomodation for taking the exam, please notify the instructor and the TF by email by the end of Monday 2/13.

Material covered

Of course, reading some of non-required material may help you gain familiarity with the subject and prove useful in the midterm, so you are encouraged to extend your readings beyond the list above.



The book contains a large number of exercises for you to try out.

SOLUTIONS POLICY: Feel free to discuss on Piazza solutions to ODD-NUMBERED questions in the Rosen textbook. If you are unsure about your solutio to an odd-numbered question, you should ask your peers and the teaching staff on Piazza. You can also ask the teaching staff at tutoring hours for help with any exercise you are trying.

Practice Midterm

On Tuesday, I will put out a practice midterm and its solution. This is supposed to represent more closely the scope and difficulty of the actual midterm.


The labs will be dedicated to reviewing material for the midterm. The TF will answer questions and work through the solutions of some exercises based on the Piazza discussions.

A bit of advice on preparing for the midterm

The book presents many examples of the basic concepts of logic. These are intended to gradually familiarize you with these concepts and their usage. However, you do NOT need to know these examples. All you need to know are the definitions of the basic concepts and all you need to be able to do is to put these definitions in use, on any reasonable example, no matter how different from those in the book. Please focus on understanding, not on memorizing. Practice is the best way to build understanding: do not plan to read all the book chapters first and then practice. Try out exercises as you go.